

Click here for general information about Autism as well as information specific to Ohio including information on the Autism Society of Ohio and others.

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Biochemistry & Behavior

Behavior can be described on a small scale as an isolated response to a specific event or on a larger scale also as one’s temperament or the tendency to respond in a specific way. For example, optimism is the tendency to look on the bright side of things, where pessimism is the tendency to see […]

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Biochemical Diagnosis

Click here to read about Pyrrole Disorder, Zinc Deficiency, Copper Excess, Low Histamine, High Histamine

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Environmental Health

Environmental Working Group – Health Tips Learn about Safe Drinking Water, Healthy Home Tips, Safer Cosmetics, Safer Sunscreens and more.  The Environmental Working Group is about The Power of Information and this link will help choose safer products for the whole family. EWG’s 2011 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce Learn how to shop smartly […]

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Lyme Disease

Diagnosing Lyme Disease requires an awareness of how common it occurs and how often it “imitates” other medical illness with seemingly nonspecific symptoms. Successful treatment is more than just treating an infection, rather it is restoring health to many affected organ systems, so that the body can heal.

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PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) / PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders) What is PANS? PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) is a more recently recognized disease process which has also been known by other names—PITANDS and PANDAS. Unfortunately, despite clear evidence of the pathogenesis of PANS/PANDAS and furthermore the quick response to appropriate treatment, there remains a […]

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Targeted Nutrient Therapy

Targeted nutrient therapy of behavior is based on supporting the biochemistry of the brain. Neurons do not communicate cell to cell with electricity, they do so with biological chemicals (biochemicals) called neurotransmitters. Though there are pathways in the brain like electrical wiring, the electrical signal only travels along one cell. When the electrical signal gets […]

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The question is Attention Deficit or Deficit of Net Attention. It is the latter when a child or adult has one or more problems that steal or impair their brain function. Thereby, our focus is to rule out dietary, biochemical and other medical factors which may be preventing a person from revealing their gifts and […]

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Chronic Illness

We are a body with many parts interconnected by physical, mental and spiritual interrelationships. Illness in the physical being affects the mind and spirit. It is common for us to see improved mental wellness and spiritual wholeness when we address physical illness within our niche of expertise.

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Wellness and Disease Prevention

Live proactively and not reactively. Simple changes in lifestyle, diet and targeted nutrient therapy can help improve our quality of life now and prevent disease in the future. Strive to be optimally well, thriving and productive.

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Behavior Disorder

A difficult child is often struggling with underlying medical issues and not just ODD. Gastrointestinal illness, Pyrrole Disorder, Anxiety, Immature Adrenaline Systems Over-reactivity and dietary triggers are common things we find and treat to help children be well and to reach their full potential.

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Faith and Family Services

Roger Legg Roger Legg is a part of the Spiritual Directions team here at SFC. He has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Ohio Christian University and received his Ordination as a minister from Ascension Life Bible School. He pastored Emmanuel Church of Etna for 24 years and in 2016 started Charis Ministry, an ecumenical, […]

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