Summary of Service

Comprehensive Support

At Sancta Familia Center for Integrative Medicine, LLC we recognize integrative/ functional medicine is often a new treatment paradigm for many patients.  To help aide in this transition, we provide written materials to help introduce and explain our services.  To help with understanding and successfully implementing the treatment plan, we have developed a written aide we call the Integration Plan.  For those patients needing ongoing attention we offer scheduled nursing management calls we call Monitored Care.  For most routine communication, the patient portal is a quick and convenient way to communicate with our practice team.   The human element of the practice is our greatest strength.

Special Needs Care

Owing to the personal experiences as parents of affected children or as a patient with chronic illness, we have a special devotion to provide our unique approach to the care of children and young adults with special needs, especially those with Autism, ADHD, behavioral problems, PANS/PANDAS and Lyme Disease.

Integrative Medicine

Sancta Familia Center for Integrative Medicine, LLC provides integrative/functional medical care for children and adults.  Though medications do have their place, integrative management is an individualized, effective, and safe alternative to traditional pharmaceutical based interventions. Approaching each patient and their needs individually and in context of their family situation helps in choosing the best course of treatment. Nutrients offers a fundamental and natural way to effect desired results with a far reduced side-effect profile while reserving the option to use traditional therapies in the future.

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of diseases using a systems-oriented approach to the evaluation and management of a patient’s medical, emotional and spiritual needs to achieve health and wellness.  A large component of functional medicine is to focus on digestive wellness, immune support and endocrine balance.  At Sancta Familia Center for Integrative Medicine, LLC we find that optimization of digestion and bowel function, developing healthy dietary habits and promoting toxin-reduced living are long term health needs for everyone of us.  We find that addressing biochemistry is fundamental to helping make and enacting the commitment to optimal wellness of mind, body and spirit.

Targeted Nutrient Therapy

Unfortunately, a healthy diet cannot provide for the nutrient needs of the body and brain at all times.  Targeted Nutrient Therapy describes the evaluation and management of biochemical imbalances in nutrient chemistry that affect physical and mental wellness. For more information on Targeted Nutrient Therapy click here and for more information on the affects of biochemistry on behavior click here.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Licensed for home use, the soft-sided HBOT chamber is a powerful modality for healing, when used appropriately.  Patient families report improvements in sleep, mood, focus/attention, bowel health, language and social connectedness.  Sancta Familia Cernter for Integrative Medicine, LLC offers in-home Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) for our patients.  Please see our HBOT page for more information, click here.

Faith & Family Services

People not only need physical healing, but spiritual and emotional healing as well.  For our patients and their families we offer spiritual direction and pastoral care to help guide them through their journey of wellness, wholeness and holiness.  Life can be difficult, yet with guidance, someone to listen and pray with, a pathway of spiritual healing can evolve.  Please see our Faith and Family Services  page for more details.



Monday9:30 – 12:00
1:00 – 5:00
Tuesday1:00 – 5:00
Wednesday9:30 – 12:00
1:00 – 5:00
Thursday9:30 – 12:00
1:00 – 5:00

Email Us:

If you are not yet a patient, please use the form below for general inquiry questions. If you are already a patient, please use the secure messaging option in our patient portal.